While Baptism is the gateway into the Catholic faith, the Sacrament of Confirmation affirms your commitment to your faith and renews your baptismal promises before your First Holy Communion. You do this with the help of a sponsor. Your sponsor is someone whom you choose - a Catholic who guides you into the faith and readies you to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Because of the close link to baptism, a Godparent is the most appropriate sponsor. It is typical for baptised children to be confirmed in the year they turn 8 (by June 30), which the Church considers the age of reason. In this way, the sacrament is often likened to a rite of passage.
The timing of First Holy Communion and Confirmation has changed in recent years, so if you’re over 30 years old, you might have done it differently. The current order of the Sacraments of Initiation reflects the intended purpose from ancient times, which always was to renew your baptismal promise before First Holy Communion.
I invite all Christians, everywhere to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them. Pope Francis
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising (initiating) them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. Matthew 28: 19-20
Jesus loves you. He lived, died and rose again to give you a new life. He is with you every day to help you live as a disciple.
With the Great Commission from Jesus, and in keeping with Pope Francis' call, our parish is moving towards becoming a more missionary parish. That is, to act intentionally on the call of our baptism to be active disciples of Jesus.
We warmly welcome anyone seeking the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) to think of it not so much as a programme, but more of a process forming a community of committed, passionate disciples. Experiencing Jesus regularly in the Mass and connecting with the worshipping community is at the heart of becoming fully initiated disciples. So, the first step is to join us at Mass, say hello and let us know how we can help. We can't wait to meet you!
If you are interested in Confirmation for your child, please get in touch with us by completing a Sacramental Connect Card and dropping it in a collection plate at Mass, or emailing it back to us. If you are interested in being confirmed yourself, please visit our Becoming Catholic page.
All Saints Parish, Albany Creek
Parish office address:
4 Faheys Road East, Albany Creek QLD 4035
07 3264 8283
After Hours Sick Phone:
07 3152 6275
Office hours:
Monday to Friday: 8am to 1pm
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