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You can give in one of the following ways:

Regular Contribution through Direct Debit or Planned Giving Envelopes - contact the parish office for details

Electronic Funds Transfer - One-Off Donation to a specific ministry via EFT

During collection time in our weekend masses

Tap point at the entrance of the church anytime

Online  by clicking on the "Make a Donation" button below

Just as many before us have contributed financially to our Parish, enabling us to worship in a well-maintained church and facilities, we can also contribute to the Parish financially.

Planned Giving

Both an envelope and a direct debit planned giving program operates in our Parish.  This regular donation assists the Parish plan financially by undertaking a commitment to a regular donation.

Contact the parish office if you wish to organise this.

One-Off Payments

Donations can be made during Mass in the collection plate, through the Tap and Go facility at the church entrance, by using the electronic funds details below, or by tapping the "Make a Donation" button below.


Bequeathing a financial gift through your Last Will and Testament can be a way to make a lasting contribution to our Parish, and a lasting effect to our broader community.

It is important to seek expert advice regarding you Will.  Recommended wording would be "I give (amount/percentage of me estate/asset) to Albany Creek Catholic Parish, 4 Faheys Road East, Albany Creek for general religious purposes".

Electronic Funds Transfer

BSB Number: 064 786

Account Number: 100001783

Account Name: All Saints Parish

Reference: Planned Giving/Surname


For those people where a regular weekly or monthly commitment is not possible, you are welcome to make an online donation.  This allows you to contribute when you can and however much you can afford.

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